- Use knowledge of multiplication problems to help calculate division problems.
National Curriculum
Key Stage 2, Mathematics, Ma2, 3f.
- Online activity: Division (Maths/Number)
- 10 x 10 times table square or poster
- Small whiteboard per child
Teaching activities
Ask each child to jot down one division fact corresponding to a times table up to 10 x 10 (for example, 42 ÷ 7 = 6). Stand in a large circle and each takes turns to ask the person to their right their question. Encourage children who are unsure to use the times table square. Time the class and emphasise speed. When everyone has had a go, reveal the time. Tell the children they need to beat this time in the plenary.
Introduce the online activity to the children. Demonstrate the 'dividing by 9' programme to the class on the whiteboard. Ask several children to come up and solve the division sums. Encourage them to use the 10 x 10 times table square if stuck. Let one group at a time work through the rest of the activity. The other groups can work in pairs, using their whiteboards to set each other division problems corresponding to the 10 x 10 times tables. Once they are able to answer the problems quickly, they can write their divisions as word problems for each other to solve.
Play the same circle game as in the introduction. Encourage the children to answer quickly to beat the time. If there is enough time play again and try to beat previous time.
Children can work through the online quiz.
Give each child a small 10 x 10 tables grid. Ask each child to choose 2 times tables they are least confident with. Ask them to use the grid to write out all of the multiplication and division sums for those times table.